Julia Germeyer

Julia Germeyer
Julia is a lifelong writer, part-time adventurer, and lover of good wine and carbs. She lives in the South Hills with her family: a husband, two littles, and two cats, and the oldest child is in the Army. She owns a digital marketing consulting firm and was also an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Pittsburgh. Julia has an MBA from Point Park University and a Bachelor's degree from Pitt. She enjoys hanging out with her family, traveling to new places, Wheel of Fortune, and sleep. If she had a superpower, it would be to fly: traffic jams would be a thing of the past.

Breastfeeding: The Struggle Is Real

Most of the time, I love breastfeeding my son. The time with him that's just ours, the special closeness, and the coolness factor that I am feeding him with my body are just a...

Anthrocon 2017: Pittsburgh Welcomes Back the Furries (and why your kids would enjoy going)

If you and your kids are looking for something fun and unique to do this weekend, look no further. From Thursday, June 29 through Sunday, July 2, Anthrocon 2017 is once again visiting Pittsburgh...

15 Reasons Why My Baby Might Be a Cat

Before I had a baby, I used to think that owning pets was similar to having kids. Pets wake you up at every hour of the night. They’re demanding. They need constant attention and...

Thirteen Reasons Why: A Modern Documentary on Teen Suicide

For parents of middle and high schoolers, the Netflix series Thirteen Reasons Why is a hot topic of conversation. At least, it should be. Teen suicide is controversial at best; it is tragic, heartbreaking,...

The Stepmoms’ Mother’s Day

This is my baby’s first Mother’s Day, but not mine. Technically, I’ve been celebrating Mother’s Day – or rather, my husband has been celebrating Mother’s Day for me – for several years. Before I became...

Postpartum Doulas: Helping You Adjust To Life With a New Baby

When I gave birth to our baby boy more than seven months ago, I had an idea of how a newborn would transform our lives. That idea included support from three different family members plus my husband,...

I Love You, But Not Right Now…

“Enjoy it. It goes so fast.” How many times has someone said this to you, urging you to soak in every moment with your babies and kids? These words are meant to remind us how...

Three Rivers Mothers’ Milk Bank Celebrates First Birthday

More than 15,000 babies in the tri-state region start their lives in the NICU instead of their parents’ arms. And for these babies, ensuring the best possible start begins with breast milk. The benefits range...