Back to School for Single Moms aka How to Keep it Together

I’m gonna be transparent here, being a single mother is not for the weak.
Every. Single. Choice. is decided by you and every choice you don’t decide falls upon you.
Clothes, doctors, bills, play dates, first days of everything all fall on you. There’s no one to double check, or help you along the way and it can be rough! Especially when you are prone to overthinking.

Here’s a few tips I use to keep my sanity for back to school time as a single mom.

  1. Think positive but prepare for chaos. I was naïve this year in thinking back to school would be a wonderful time of routine and structure, it’s been everything but that. Being aware things may pop up will make the transition easier for everyone. This isn’t a call to think negative things will happen, it’s a reminder to stay on your toes! Perspective can change everything.
  2. Remember that perfection and comparison are thieves of joy. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to other mothers, the perfect pictures, etc. Truth is, we have no idea what that mom or family struggles with behind closed doors. Give yourself some grace, you’re doing the best you can. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s a good sign to put the phone down and start being present in the moment! I took a break from social media for the first time and it was so refreshing. 
  3. Don’t forget to take care of you! Just because we are mothers doesn’t mean our needs stopped when our babies are born. Instead of putting yourself on the back-burner, this is a key time to lean into nurturing your needs more by staying hydrated, having healthy options on hand for these busy mornings, and finding a new exercise routine that fits your schedule.